2012-08-05: 2012/2013 Out to Innovate Scholarship Winners Announced: Ryker and Streed

First in the nation Scholarships for LGBT Students who are enrolled in STEM programs

Pasadena, CA August 1, 2012

For the second year, leading-edge scholarships established in 2011 by Battelle, the largest research and development company in the United States, and National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals, (NOGLSTP) were announced today.

With lead funding support from Battelle, the scholarships were established following NOGLSTP’s inaugural Out to Innovate Career Summit, held in 2010, according to Rochelle Diamond, Chair of NOGLSTP.

“These scholarships are for undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics programs who are either lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or an active ally of the LGBT community”, stated Diamond. “These scholarships are designed to promote academic excellence and increase visibility of talented LGBT students in STEM career paths. The selection process was very difficult and voting extremely close. Each applicant is an example of academic excellence, community involvement, and Pride in STEM education. We commend them all.”

The 2012 Out to Innovate scholarship recipients are Malakai Ryker and Carl Gustaf Streed, Jr.

The Battelle/NOGSLTP Out to Innovate 2012 undergraduate scholarship recipient, Malakai Ryker, will be a senior at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities in the fall, majoring in Clinical Laboratory Science. After a rough start in family life and his early academic career, Kai found some safe space at University of Wisconsin-River Falls (UWRF), and transitioned from female to male. He has maintained a high GPA, making the Dean’s list for the last three years. Kai’s volunteer activities both at UWRF and in the LGBTQA community have been numerous and fruitful. Kai was the Gay Student Alliance Co-chair at UWRF, member of the Trans Support Group, and spoke on intersex conditions among other activities. A role model for facing adversity and breaking out of the downward spiral, Kai has worked hard as a visible leader and has been successful at building a community on campus. Kai has been awarded the Diversity Organization Coalition Award for Academic Achievements and Contributions to Campus Community at UWRF. “I feel truly honored to have received this scholarship! Thank you again, you have no idea how much this means to me!” said Ryker.

The Battelle/NOGSLTP Out to Innovate 2012 graduate scholarship recipient, Carl Streed, Jr., graduated with a BS in Biochemistry and a BA in Chemistry with Honors at the University of Chicago. Now attending Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Carl expects to complete his MD in 2013. Among his many honors, Carl has received the 2012 American Medical Student Association James Slayton Leadership Award for Leadership Excellence and in 2011, the Erickson-Zoellers Point Foundation Scholarship and the Johns Hopkins University Diversity Leadership Award. He has held a number of positions on research teams at Johns Hopkins as well as Clinical Research Coordinator for Howard Brown Health Center and numerous pharmaceutical clinical studies. Carl is presently a student blogger for WebMD LLC Medscape.com for “The Differential”. Carl currently sits on the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association Board and is co-chair of their student/trainee Committee; National LGBT Policy Coordinator and Task Force Member of the American Medical Student Association. His past volunteer efforts in Baltimore and Chicago are too numerous to elaborate. “The Battelle/NOGLSTP2012Graduate Scholarship honors the work I have already completed and provides legitimacy for what I hope to do,” said Streed. “With the generous support of Battelle and NOGLSTP I will be able to focus on my academics and develop a career dedicated to the health and well-being of the LGBT community.”

These ground-breaking scholarships for LGBT and ally students in STEM fields would not have been possible without the commitment and generosity of Battelle. As the world’s largest independent research and development organization, Battelle’s mission is to bring the best people together to advance scientific discovery and application. In so doing, Battelle recognizes the importance of diversity and inclusion in advancing career excellence. We applaud their leadership in making these initial two years of Battelle/NOGLSTP Out to Innovate Scholarships possible.

We salute all the applicants on their remarkable accomplishments. They are the embodiment of Pride in our LGBT and STEM communities. In recognition, NOGLSTP is pleased to offer each applicant a complimentary student membership in NOGLSTP and complimentary registration to NOGLSTP’s “Out to Innovate” Summit to be held at Ohio State University in October, 2012.

Rochelle A. Diamond

About Battelle
As the world’s largest, independent research and development organization, Battelle provides innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing needs through its four global businesses: Laboratory Management; National Security; Health and Life Sciences; and Energy, Environment and Material Sciences. It advances scientific discovery and application by conducting $6.5 billion in global R&D annually through contract research, laboratory management and technology commercialization. Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, Battelle oversees 22,000 employees in more than 130 locations worldwide, including seven national laboratories which Battelle manages or co-manages for the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and a nuclear energy lab in the United Kingdom.

Battelle also is one of the nation’s leading charitable trusts focusing on societal and economic impact and actively supporting and promoting science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education.

For more information contact Katy Delaney at (614) 424-7208 or delaneyk-at-battelle-dot-org, or T.R. Massey at (614) 424-5544 or masseytr-at-battelle-dot-org.

NOGLSTP was established in 1980, incorporated in the State of California in 1991, and was granted IRS 501 (c) 3 non-profit status in 1992. NOGLSTP’s mission is to educate the scientific and general communities about the presence and accomplishments of LGBT individuals in STEM professions. NOGLSTP presents educational symposia and workshops nationwide. NOGLSTP fosters dialog with other professional societies, academia, and industry to facilitate diversity and inclusion in the workplace. NOGLSTP is an affiliate of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, is a participating professional society member of MentorNet®, a sustaining member of the National Postdoctoral Association, a member of the Gay and Lesbian Leadership Institute Presidential Advisory Project’s Coalition and a founding member of the E-Week Diversity Council.

For more information, visit the website at www.noglstp.org or contact: Rochelle Diamond, Chair, at chair-at-noglstp-dot-org